Page 21 - Numeracy Skills
P. 21
• Children have their 6 bricks, loose on their
• Teacher gives the children 6 different options /
choices / data, and explains how each colour
represents data, e.g.
- Which is your favourite colour of the 6
bricks? Each child chooses one brick
- Which mode of transport do you use to
come to school? (6 options - each option is
represented by a colour brick e.g. car = blue
brick, etc.)
- Which is your favourite pet / wild animal /
bird? (6 options - each option is
represented by a colour brick)
• Once children have made their choice
they then group themselves, i.e. all the
children who like the blue colour go stand
together in the front of the classroom, all
the children who like the yellow colour go
stand at the back of the classroom, etc.
• Children see that their coloured brick
represents their choice. Children then stack
all the bricks in their group together.
• Each group places their stack alongside the
other groups’ stacks to form a bar graph.
Q: Which group / bar is the highest /
shortest / most / least?
• Move from 3D to 2D by letting the children
trace around the DUPLO stacks to create
their own bar graph on paper.
• To extend further, let the children draw the bar
graph on quad paper.
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